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Storyline: Chapter 1


John sniffs out two Chimera while staring into the forest from his backyard. Impressed they allow him to join their clan and he becomes an Apprentice. Taught the basics of the chimera life style. Later he starts to have incomprehensible nightmares before meeting a Star clan guardian in his dreams.

Cliche Narration 2

One more update and the chapter ends then I go on break to try and scrape funds to pay for the software licence needed to…

Cliche Narration 1

Because why not? There maybe like one or two more pages before chapters end, then I gotta allocate some funds to renew the licence for…

Warm Drinks Part 6

Big changes are happening next chapter, go vote on them  here on google forms. You should reread “Warm Drinks”  pages 3 -6 with this song playing, maybe…

Warm Drinks Part 3

Finally a new page, sorry to those who waited forever for it. I will try to do regular updates for as long as the software…

Warm Drinks Part 2

sorry for the delay adobe illustrator was giving me some issues and have been generally down in the dumps, including not feeling too well from…

Warm Drinks Part 1

New comic for you! I’m sorry for the wait please forgive me, it it makes you guys feel better I have been tweaking the site…

Warm Drinks (Prelude)

If he is this surprised just wait till he gets inside her den. It’s definitely not going to look like somthing ones likely to expect.