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Storyline: Chapter 2


Tensions about Brighthope’s place in the forest heat up as human authorities begin venturing into the forest in search for the runaway child, causing a hidden conflict within the clan on whether he should be truly welcomed given the risk to their society being discovered. Additional frustrations arise as Brighthope finds himself displeased with the passive nature of Longstar’s training, as she attempts to ready him for the less action focused parts of clan life before the next forest gathering in the coming month…

Wounds Dressed

Remember the vines that obscure the entrance to camp? Well they are back and leafier than ever! Very leafy very green.  😀

Every Eye in Camp…

Don’t think just because the style changed means the landscape did in camp 😛 The bridges and walled in canyon transcend all art styles from…

Humans in the Forest

New comic for you all!  I hope you are enjoying the story so far. Guess Brighthope here didn’t think about the fact they may send someone looking…


New comic for you all!  We are getting into the thick of it now folks, a forest ranger poking around a forest filled with chimera…