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Storyline: Chapter 2


Tensions about Brighthope’s place in the forest heat up as human authorities begin venturing into the forest in search for the runaway child, causing a hidden conflict within the clan on whether he should be truly welcomed given the risk to their society being discovered. Additional frustrations arise as Brighthope finds himself displeased with the passive nature of Longstar’s training, as she attempts to ready him for the less action focused parts of clan life before the next forest gathering in the coming month…

No Envy For The Sinner

“Spoiled selfish little child, went out to play out in the wild…. found you shakin like a leaf…” Welp boys… Into the bears den we…

Been Here Before

Remember his Dream from chapter 1? Yup that’s right, the blue glowing forest seen in Brighthope’s dream in the comic “Enlightening Dreams” but it seems…