Lose The Shoes – Part 3Pretty sky, and quick transition because chapter 2 cant be a billion pages long. Blah blah get more versions at the patreon.
Lose The Shoes – Part 1We’re back! Sorry for the time away, been a crazy month. Still not all back in the headspace yet but I am better off then…
What’s The SitchHere is the comic! So the polls are in and it seems unanimous that its okay to take a small break from the comic.…
The Trees Have Ears…No wonder the dialogue was strange… He was down there, and they didn’t want to be too obvious. This forest is full of secrets it…
Explain TomorrowNosy much? Also look, longstar made it back without the kids noticing her. Silverfang sure did though. Stay tuned to find out more.
Family Drama In The Forest Part 3 – EndOhhh the plot thickens, also before you ask how they don’t notice Longstar’s scent and know she’s watching them, you should reflect on the fact…
Family Drama In The Forest Part 2They better hurry up and quell this drama before the sun comes up… there’s other plot to be had!
Aren’t All That Meets The EyeThe dad pants are on now… wait shouldn’t they always be on? What a weird phrase…